dear friends....

dear friends...don't be too stress k...its just take care of your health..drink more more and sleep more...we need to be healthy to sit for the exam..we still have a war in must be tough..we all work hard should not be a problem for us..don't worry too much k..just study as usual...steady and relax..^^
take a rest when you really felt stress or the things you read can't even go in your brain some exercise like jogging...futsal..badminton and all that..bak kata perpatah.."otak cergas..badan sihat" ma...ok??!!what am i talking about? >.<"
hehe...sorry for the long gas-ness ya...

here are some steps to relieve stress....

Calming an overactive mind. Place your fingertips on your forehead above each eye. Press firmly for 3-4 minutes while taking some deep breath. Repeat aloud or in your mind “I am okay no matter what happens, everyone else is going to be okay no matter what happens.” Release your hands and shake them off.

Clearing tension and burdens with a “spinal flush.” We carry a lot of stressful energy on our backs, which can develop into back problems. This technique is better if you have someone do it to you, and then you do it to them. Stand behind the person receiving the “flush.” Place your fingers at the top of their spinal column where the neck meets the back. Swipe your finger down the spinal column and off the tailbone, the same movement you would use to swipe a credit card through a machine. Repeat the swiping motion 4-5 times, flushing off the stressful energy. The person receiving the “flush” will start to feel tingly inside.

Calming your “fight and flight” energy. With so much media attention on war and violence our “fight and flight” energy is in overdrive. Some of the residual effects of too much “fight and flight” energy can be immune system problems like chronic fatigue, irritability, depression, anger, exhaustion. The energy pathway that runs the “fight and flight” energy moves up and around each ear. To sedate and calm this energy place your fingertips in front of each ear and while pressing gently smooth your fingers up and over the ears and off the back of your neck. Repeat this 5-6 times while taking some deep breathes through your nose and out through your mouth.

"When you feel like giving up, remember why you held on for so long in the first place."
"It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop. " it step by step k...don't be rushed...欲速不達啊!!

gambateh my dear friends...cheer up~!!..jia you~!! XD
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2 Response to "dear friends...."

  1. Says:
    2010年9月4日 09:52

    thanx for ur post... T.T

  2. Jenny Says:
    2010年9月4日 22:53 happy k..don't give too much pressure to happy and smile always ya ^^
